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Credit ratings are not recommendations to purchase, sell or hold a financial position in as much as they do not comment on market price or suitability for a particular investor. Ratings are subject to revision or withdrawal at any time by a rating agency.

Responsive Table
  Moody’s S&P DBRS Fitch
Counterparty/Deposits1 Aa1 AA– AA (high) AA
Legacy Senior Debt2 Aa1 AA– AA (high) AA
Senior Debt3 A1 A AA AA-
Covered Bonds Aaa AAA AAA
NVCC Subordinated Debt A3(hyb) A– A A
Subordinated Debt A3 A AA (low) A
NVCC Preferred Shares Baa2(hyb) BBB Pfd-2 (high) BBB+
Preferred Shares Baa2 BBB+ Pfd-1 (low) BBB+
Short-term Debt P-1 A-1+ R-1 (high) F1+
Rating Outlook Stable Stable Stable Stable

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